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If you joined online, use your "UNREGXXXXXXX" number for Libby and BorrowBox. If you have a library card, use the number starting "1000XXXXXX."

Library membership is FREE and, if you are over 16, you can join in minutes! Complete the online form on this page, set a four-digit PIN (and note it down), and you'll receive a membership number. Use this to immediately access eBooks, eMagazines, eAudiobooks, and eNewspapers through the Apps (Libby and BorrowBox), as well as FREE Wi-Fi in all branch libraries.

To borrow physical books just visit your local library to get a membership card. Please note that this card comes with a new membership number, which replaces the online one for all services.

Children and young people under 16 can join at any public library, if their membership form is signed by a parent/guardian.

There are 98 libraries and multiple mobile stops across Northern Ireland. Once you join, you can use your library card to access them all. All you need is to live, work or study in Northern Ireland to use library services.

All fields on the form must be complete.

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