Belfast Central Library

Belfast Central Library

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Belfast Central Library Northern Ireland Contemporary Fiction Collection

This unique collection features works by authors born in Northern Ireland, those who have spent significant time living here, and books set within Northern Ireland. It will encompass a variety of genres, including adult and junior fiction, poetry, and plays.

The NI Contemporary Fiction Collection is on the second floor of Belfast Central Library, Royal Avenue. Music books, CDs, and scores are still available upon request from staff or via the Libraries NI catalogue, a selection of music titles can also be found in the Link corridor on the same floor.

View the Belfast Central Library 135th Anniversary Booklet


Library Location


Event Name Event Details Start Date & Time End Date & Time Booking
Classical Music Club  
First Wednesday of every month from 11:00am to 12:00pm. 

Get together with like minded people to enjoy listening to and discussing all things classical music. Each month will focus on the music of a specific genre or composer.
Booking essential.
t: 028 9050 9150
06/11/2024 11:00 AM 04/06/2025 12:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Tea and Newspapers  
Every Monday from 10:00am - 12:00pm.

Everyone welcome.

Tea and Newspapers groups give adults the opportunity to meet new people, socialise and discuss local and national affairs in the newspapers while enjoying complimentary tea/coffee and biscuits.
18/11/2024 10:00 AM 23/06/2025 12:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Knit and Natter  
Every Tuesday from 10:30am - 11:30am.

Everyone welcome.

Knit and Natter groups are for adults who enjoy knitting, crochet, cross stitch and other crafts. They are free of charge to attend and participants have the opportunity to share hints and tips, swap patterns, meet new people and learn new skills. Members can bring along a project they are already working on or can start something new.
19/11/2024 10:30 AM 24/06/2025 11:30 AM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Chess Club  

Every Tuesday morning on the 1st Floor 

Everyone welcome

The Chess Club is for anyone who wishes to participate in a chess game. It is an opportunity to meet new people, discuss tactics and strategies and browse/borrow our chess books whilst enjoying complimentary tea/coffee and biscuits.
Chess sets available.

19/11/2024 11:00 AM 24/06/2025 01:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Belfast Central Seed Library  
The Belfast Central Seed Library is situated beside the counter in our 1st floor reading room. 

It is very easy to take part:
Simply take a packet or 2 of seeds from our seed catalogue drawers. We have a large selection of flower, plants, herb and vegetable seeds to choose from.
And before you leave don’t forget to also check our A - Z of gardening related book subjects listed in the catalogue drawer. You might just find a book to help you with your planting!

Then take your seed packets home, plant them and enjoy watching them grow and don’t forget to let us know how you get on.
Finally, if you know of anyone else who would interested in our Seed Library please let them know about it. The more budding gardeners we can get the better as it will help our Seed Library continue to grow!
Available during library opening hours.
20/11/2024 09:00 AM 27/06/2025 05:30 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
A Brew And A Browse  
Every Wednesday morning on the 1st Floor

Everyone welcome.

Enjoy tea/coffee and biscuits whilst you browse specially selected items on various topics from our extensive book and periodical stock.
20/11/2024 11:00 AM 25/06/2025 01:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Rhythm and Rhyme  
Every Wednesday and Friday from 11:00am – 11:30am.
Booking advised.
Rhythm and Rhyme sessions introduce parents and children aged 0 - 4 years to the wonder of rhymes, songs and stories.
Each session offers an entertaining opportunity for children to engage with others, provides a good foundation to develop their reading, listening and language skills and of course to have lots of fun
20/11/2024 11:00 AM 25/06/2025 11:30 AM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Go On - Newspaper Library One to One Sessions  
Find out about our extensive collection in the Newspaper Library and how to use it.
Booking essential.
t:  028 9050 9150
21/11/2024 09:30 AM 26/06/2025 04:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Mindful Colouring  
Every Thursday 10:30am-12:00pm.

Everyone welcome.

Mindful Colouring groups are for anyone who wants to explore the world of adult colouring with intricate colouring patterns and designs. They can enhance well-being, help calm the mind and relieve stress through relaxed, meditative colouring in.
21/11/2024 10:30 AM 26/06/2025 12:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Pride and (no) Prejudice Book Group  

Last Thursday on the month from 6:00pm - 7:00pm.


For more information please contact the library.

t: 028 9050 9150

21/11/2024 06:00 PM 26/06/2025 07:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Puzzles Around The Pillars  
Every Friday morning on the 1st Floor 

Everyone welcome

Keep your mind active - relax with crosswords, sudokus and word searches in good company whilst enjoying complimentary tea/coffee and biscuits.
22/11/2024 11:00 AM 27/06/2025 01:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Shared Reading Group  
Every Friday 2:30pm - 3:30pm.

Come along and enjoy listening to literature being read aloud in real time and be part of a shared reading group discussion. 
You will enjoy listening to a great story or poem, with no pressure to talk or read. 
Refreshments provided.
22/11/2024 02:30 PM 20/06/2025 03:30 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Lego Club  
Every Saturday from 2:00pm - 3:00pm.

Booking advised.

Come along to have Lego building fun.
Fun and creative ideas for things to make and build Lego.

Lego ages- 6-10
Dupio ages- 4-6
23/11/2024 02:00 PM 21/06/2025 03:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Afternoon Storytime session every Wednesday 3:00pm – 3:30pm. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Booking advised.
t: 028 9050 9150
27/11/2024 03:00 PM 25/06/2025 03:30 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Belfast Central Library Tour  
Last Friday of every month from 10:30am - 11:30am.

Join us for a tour of one of Belfasts most iconic buildings. Find out the history (and the secrets!) of Northern Irelands oldest public library.

Booking not required.
29/11/2024 10:30 AM 27/06/2025 11:30 AM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Lunchtime Adult Reading Group  
Lunchtime Reading Group; Last Friday of the Month.
From 12:30pm – 1:30pm 
Chat about popular titles from a wide range of genres in a relaxed and informal setting. 

Free tea and coffee will be provided – feel free to bring a packed lunch. 
Please contact Belfast Central Library for more information and to pick up a copy of this month’s book.
29/11/2024 12:30 PM 30/05/2025 01:30 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
How We Got To...' An Exhibition from the Golden Thread Gallery  

As the Golden Thread Gallery embarks on a new chaper in a new location, artists were asked to reflect on their memories and past encounters with the gallery. These works will then enter the gallery's permanent collection and form a key part of their future growth. During opening hours.

04/02/2025 09:00 AM 28/02/2025 05:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
North Belfast Jobs and Benefits Office Job Club  

Join North Belfast Jobs and Benefits Office tea for advice on job application, interview skills and more.

07/02/2025 10:00 AM 07/02/2025 12:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Give it a Go- Grow Your Own  

Using seeds from Belfast Central Library's Seed Library you plant and grow your own food- Give it a Go! Pots and seeds available from our Seed Library on the first floor. During Library opening hours and bring the family.

10/02/2025 09:00 AM 14/02/2025 05:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Give It A Go -Chess  

Join chess group, The Roaming Knights, and learn the tricks to this classic game. Everyone welcome from complete beginners or if you just want to learn more tactics. For adults.

11/02/2025 11:00 AM 11/02/2025 01:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Give It A Go - Chess  

Join chess group, The Roaming Knights, and learn the tricks to this classic game. 


Everyone welcome from complete beginners or if you just want to learn more tactics.


Booking not required.

11/02/2025 11:00 AM 11/02/2025 01:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Give It A Go - Silent Reading Party  

Switch off your phone and join others to sit in a quiet space together and read. Its much easier to get reading when others are doing it too- Give it a Go! Refreshments available just bring whatever you're currently reading.

13/02/2025 05:00 PM 13/02/2025 07:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Belfast Stories Public Consultation  

Join the team behind Belfast City's exciting future visitor attraction, Belfast Stories, to find out more.

19/02/2025 02:30 PM 19/02/2025 03:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
North Belfast Jobs and Benefits Office Job Club  

Join North Belfast Jobs and Benefits Office tea for advice on job application, interview skills and more.

21/02/2025 10:00 AM 21/02/2025 12:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Inspired Touring Exhibition  

This exhibition will be available to view during normal opening hours.
Inspire, the mental health and wellbeing charity, is marking its 65th anniversary with a poignant and powerful exhibition, INSPIRED, bringing together the stories of its service users and staff.
The multi-media exhibition consists of everyday items, each belonging to one individual and prompting a story or memory of a specific point in their life. Each seemingly mundane article (a set of car jump leads, a 1970s iron, a pair of running shoes, a front door key) has a deeply personal story conveyed through audio narration by the story-tellers themselves. Each shares intimate reflections on their experiences, reflects on their past and, with support from Inspire, looks ahead to the future. 

25/07/2025 09:00 AM 26/08/2025 05:30 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.