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The Corporation have granted half-pay to employees who were in their service at the commencement of the War and who subsequently joined the Colours, and they have continued doing so, notwithstanding the increase in the Separation Allowances since granted by the War Department, and the fact that the keep (food, etc.) of the employee, which would have had to be paid out of his ordinary wages if he were at home, has not to be provided.

The Corporation have suggested that a portion of this half-pay should be saved for the man interested, so that when he returns, possibly wounded and unable to work, he will have this "nest-egg" to help him, and should he unfortunately be killed, his widow and children will have it to help them in their time of difficulty.

It is impossible in this circular to give an example of every man's case, but with this is enclosed a table showing the allotment and separation allowance paid by the State to the wives and children of Soldiers, and from this each man will be able to see what his wife is getting, and, if he adds to this the half wages which the Corporation is paying, he will see how much more his wife is receiving than when he was at home; and it is only half of this surplus which the Corporation propose to invest for him and hand over over to him on his discharge from the Army, or, in case he is killed, to his wife and family.

For example, take the case of an employee earning 22/6d per week who has joined the Colours, leaving behind him a wife and two children-

The Corporation grant half-pay £0. 11. 3
The Army Allotment and Separation allowance amount to £1. 1. 0
Making a weekly total of £1. 12. 3

which is nine and ninepence more than he was receiving as wages when at home, when his own food, etc., had to be paid for out of his 22/6d wages.

In the example given the sum invested would be 5/- a week, leaving the dependants better off by 4/9d a week and cost of then man's food, etc., when at home, than they were before he joined the Army or Navy.

The amount deducted will be invested with the Government in the War Loan, and so the Nation will benefit as well as the employee and his dependants. The Corporation will give each week a receipt for the sum deducted, and will hold the bond or scrip. They will hand over the whole sum, together with all interest accumulated thereon, to the employee on his discharge from the Colours.

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Letter Details

Author Name: Administration Documents

Document Type: Letter

Date of Document:

Document Summary: War pay

Document Reference: ADM 1