
Letter Details


Document Content:

261247 Gnr. R. Alexander
R.F.A. Attached
Tank Group H.Q.
British Rhine Army


Dear Sir,

Just a few lines to let you know I am still enjoying the best of health & having a good time here at present, I intended writing to you sooner but since I came back off leave I have had quite a lot of addresses, that is the reason I did not write. I had only been a week back to Candas when we shifted from there & kept going here & there until about the beginning of June we came up to Germany to the Artillery Reinforcement Camp & having no room in the batteries for gunners, they attached us to the Tank Corps. I have been posted to Head Quarters as an officer's batman, so I expect they will transfer me to the Tank Corps later, it won't make much difference, although it is rather late now to be transferred. I have never been near a Tank yet & don't expect I ever shall be.

We are at a little villiage30 called Ligneuville at present, it is a famous summer resort in peace time for the German nobility and a few cottages & four big hotels form practically the whole villiage31 , trout is in abundance & our officers spend most of their time fishing, it is a beautiful place indeed & about 2,000 feet above sea-level.

We intend shifting into Duren next week, it is a large town & about an hour's run in the car from Cologne. Winter seems to be coming fast so I expect that is why we are going further down.

I have not much more to say just at present, kindly remember me to Miss Miller32 , Mr Rowan33 & Mr Gourley34 . Hoping this finds you all in the pink, as I could not feel better.

I am Dear Sir,
Yours respectfully,
R.J. Alexander

Letter Images


30- ALE-008-002, Village - Alexander's incorrect spelling is retained here. 31- ALE-008-002, Village - Again, Alexander's incorrect spelling is retained here. 32- ALE-008-003, Jane F. Miller. Assistant in charge of the Reference Department of Belfast Central Library from 1890 until her retirement in 1921. 33- ALE-008-003, William Rowan. Chief Assistant in the Reference Department of Belfast Central Library from the opening of the library in 1888 until April 1921. 34- ALE-008-003, Robert John Gourley. Employed by Belfast Public Libraries from 1891 until his death in April 1930. He was Chief Assistant in the Lending Department of Belfast Central Library during the period of the War.

Letter Details

Author Name: Robert Alexander

Document Type: Letter

Date of Document:25/07/1919

Document Summary: Alexander to Goldsbrough

Document Reference: ALE-08