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Dear Captain Coulson,

I am very sorry to hear of your accident and trust that you will overcome it completely.

Your letters are always first class and not at all scrappy. It is quite evident that you are appreciated in your corps when you have such important duties to perform. I see that Lord Kitchener has been at Seaford and has given high praise to the Royal Irish Rifles.

I shall be glad to know how you are progressing since your last bad accident.

I just got back yesterday from my holiday. I spent over two weeks at Downhill; a few miles beyond that place is Magilligan where there is a large camp of an Ulster regiment. I enjoyed the rest very much, close to the sea.

With our kind regards,

I am,

Yours sincerely,


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Letter Details

Author Name: Thomas Coulson

Document Type: Letter

Date of Document:26/08/1915

Document Summary: Elliott to Coulson

Document Reference: COU-21