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Dear Goldsbrough,

Thank you for your letter speaking of demobilisation. I have carefully weighed the pros and cons of the situation & having regard to the highly specialised nature of the work which I have been trained in during the past 18 months & the necessity for continuing it I have been compelled to decide to remain out here until the work is complete, that is to say until the army of occupation is finally removed.

I have come to this decision reluctantly in view of the kindness of you all at Belfast & in face of my own desires to return home as early as possible. Naturally I am anxious to spend some time with my wife but that is now out of the question. It is not known how long I shall be retained out here but I do know that at the end of this current month I am going forward into Germany to take a command in the troops up there. Thank you for your enquiry about Madeleine. As soon as she was recovered from her illness she left Blackpool & went to live at 19 Ashley Rd., Altrincham, with some friends there & she will probably remain there until I finally come home, unless I should get ordered off to some foreign station where she could come with me but as things are it seems that the authorities will use me all the time where my knowledge of languages may be of use.

You seem to be in the throes of a rather desperate strike in Belfast. Is it as bad as the newspapers make it appear to be? For all your sakes I hope it has been much exaggerated.

Best of good wishes to you,

Yours Sincerely,
T. Coulson

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Letter Details

Author Name: Thomas Coulson

Document Type: Letter

Date of Document:02/04/1919

Document Summary: Coulson to Goldsbrough

Document Reference: COU-50