
Letter Details


Document Content:

10th July 1917

Pte. J. F. Eagleson, 46784,
110th Field ambulance

Dear Eagleson,

I received your letter last May but have not had time to answer any of the letters from the front until now. I hope you are still in the best of health and continue to work for the wounded. Captain Simpson65 is back in France again with a Labour Battalion and when I saw him a few weeks ago he looked in splendid health. You know, of course, that Coulson is Major now while acting as second in command of a battalion.

Have you seen Fitzsimons lately? He is in the R.A.M.C., 41st Casualty Clearing Station, somewhere pretty close to the front, Mat Warren was wounded and taken prisoner about the end of April and was last heard of at Cassel; he has been very unlucky.

McCausland has now been gazetted 2nd Lieutenant in the 18th R.I.R., joining up last Monday.

Miss Miller66 , is still unable to go to business although she is improving67 . I would be glad to get some of our old staff back again as it is hard work when a lot of young boys and girls are coming and going. I was glad to get your field post card about a week ago to let me know you are still alive and well. I hope you will continue so and that the war will soon be over.

With best wishes for your success.

I remain,

Yours sincerely,

Acting Chief-Librarian

Letter Images


65- EAG-013-001, D.J.H. Simpson, branch Librarian of Ballymacarrett Library who served with the Northumberland Fusiliers 66- EAG-013-001, Jane F. Miller. Assistant in charge of the Reference Department of Belfast Central Library from 1890 until her retirement in 1921. 67- EAG-013-001, Miller broke her leg in January 1917.

Letter Details

Author Name: Joseph Frederick Eagleson

Document Type: Letter

Date of Document:07/10/1917

Document Summary: Goldsbrough to Eagleson

Document Reference: EAG-13