
Letter Details


Document Content:

22nd January168 , 1917

Pte. Joe Fitzsimons
41st Casualty Clearing Station
B.E.F. France

Dear Private Fitzsimons,

I was pleased to receive your letter of the 18th ult. 169 with all your good wishes. We here heartily reciprocate them in wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year. Your letter was very interesting in the little peeps you gave us of the works of mercy which you are so bravely rendering to the sick and wounded. I am sure that your own bright presence will cheer many a one when you are on duty bent in the wards.
Sergeant McCausland called upon me a week or two ago. He is joining the Cadet Corps in view of obtaining a commission.
Private Eagleson also called upon me some time about Christmas, he is looking first class.
You will be sorry to hear that Miss Miller170 of the Reference Library has had an accident. She slipped on some ice and fell against the curb stone and is now in hospital with a broken bone. I am sure you will share our sorrow and sympathy with her. However, the very best is being done for her recovery.

With our kind regards,
I am,
Yours truly,

Letter Images


168- FIT-015-001, Written the day before G.H. Elliott, Chief Librarian died. 169- FIT-015-001, Latin for "last month" 170- FIT-015-001, Jane F. Miller. Assistant in charge of the Reference Department of Belfast Central Library from 1890 until her retirement in 1921.

Letter Details

Author Name: Joseph Fitzsimons

Document Type: Letter

Date of Document:22/01/1917

Document Summary: Elliott to Fitzsimons

Document Reference: FIT-15