
Letter Details


Document Content:

B.E.F. France
6th June, 1918

Dear Mr Goldsbrough,

Here I am again. I expect you have been wondering what has become of me. Well I am in A1 form and still carrying on with the old CCS, I hope you are keeping fit and well, also Miss Miller185 , Mr Gourley186 , Mr Rowan187 etc. We had rather an exciting time when the Germans made their first great thrust. Our station was so close to the firing line that the Huns were on us before we could evacuate our patients but our Infantry held the evening in check until we got all the wounded away. Getting away ourselves was rather more difficult but we managed it successfully with few casualties. Several places we occupied in turn had to be abandoned until at last the enemy were finally held. During those terrible days we had a very busy time with but little rest.

We are expecting another big smash on the front but the Allied forces are ready this time. I had a letter from W. Brown written in a Base Hospital, he had been slightly wounded. I lost the address he sent me and would be much obliged if you could give me his present address. I hope all the old Library staff on active service are safe and well. I had a letter from J McCausland some time ago, he is out east and is doing A1. Well Mr G, I must conclude with kind regards. Kindly remember me to all old friends.

Yours very sincerely,

Joe Fitzsimons

Letter Images


185- FIT-025-001, Jane F. Miller. Assistant in charge of the Reference Department of Belfast Central Library from 1890 until her retirement in 1921. 186- FIT-025-001, Robert John Gourley. Employed by Belfast Public Libraries from 1891 until his death in April 1930. He was Chief Assistant in the Lending Department of Belfast Central Library during the period of the War. 187- FIT-025-001, William Rowan. Chief Assistant in the Reference Department of Belfast Central Library from the opening of the library in 1888 until April 1921.

Letter Details

Author Name: Joseph Fitzsimons

Document Type: Letter

Date of Document:06/06/1918

Document Summary: Fitzsimons to Goldsbrough

Document Reference: FIT-25