
Letter Details


Document Content:

43 Casualty Clearing Stn
British Troops France
6th June 1919

Dear Mr Goldsbrough,

Here I am still in France carrying on as usual. I fully expected to be released before this but have been unlucky. We are awaiting reinforcements to release us, but so far none have arrived. In this place there are about twenty 1914 men who have not yet been relieved. However, we have been assured that we will all be relieved before the end of July or possibly earlier. I may add that I am not enjoying my prolonged stay in the Army but I have no alternative. We are looking after the sick from the prisoner camps around Bapaume area. When peace is signed all the prisoners will be returned to Germany and this camp will be closed down. I expect all the old Library staff have been demobilised by this time. The weather here at present is fine and the country around looks glorious. All the terrible scars of war have been camouflaged by nature. The shell holes and trenches are ablaze with poppies and other coloured flowers. The ruined buildings and barbed wire are the only reminders of four years of carnage.

I sincerely hope you are keeping in the best of health also Miss Miller190 , Mr Gourley191 , Mr Rowan192 and the others. Kind regards to all and hoping to be back in Belfast before long.

I remain,
Yours very sincerely,

Joe Fitzsimons

Letter Images


190- FIT-030-003, Jane F. Miller. Assistant in charge of the Reference Department of Belfast Central Library from 1890 until her retirement in 1921. 191- FIT-030-003, Robert John Gourley. Employed by Belfast Public Libraries from 1891 until his death in April 1930. He was Chief Assistant in the Lending Department of Belfast Central Library during the period of the War. 192- FIT-030-003, William Rowan. Chief Assistant in the Reference Department of Belfast Central Library from the opening of the library in 1888 until April 1921.

Letter Details

Author Name: Joseph Fitzsimons

Document Type: Letter

Date of Document:06/06/1919

Document Summary: Fitzsimons to Goldsbrough

Document Reference: FIT-30