
Letter Details


Document Content:

Mr. J.B. Gouldsbrough41
Public Libraries
Ireland NOTHING is to be written on this side except the date and signature of the sender. Sentences not required may be erased. If anything else is added the post card will be destroyed.

I am quite well.

I have been admitted into hospital
sick/wounded and am going on well.
sick/wounded and hope to be discharged soon

I am being sent down to the base.

I have received your letter dated ______________________
I have received your telegram dated ___________________
I have received your parcel dated _____________________

Letter follows at first opportunity.

I have received no letter from you lately
I have received no letter from you for a long time.

Signature Stewart Roy


[Postage must be prepaid on any letter or post card addressed to the sender of this card.]

Letter Images


41- ROY-009-001, Spelling retained

Letter Details

Author Name: Stewart Roy

Document Type: Postcard

Date of Document:02/06/1918

Document Summary: Field Service Postcard

Document Reference: ROY-09