
Letter Details


Document Content:


Dear Mr Gouldsbrough, 45

I am writing to let you know that I have got through the War, thank goodness without a scratch.

Now that the War has ended I hope it will not be long before I get back to resume my duties once more, I know for a certainty I will appreciate them more than I did before the War,

I saw by the papers that the news of the Armistice been46 signed caused great joy and excitement at Home, I can assure you the joy it caused here was unrivalled.

We are in very comfortable billets at present, in the village of Mouscroon47 quite close to Tourcoing.

Please remember me to Mr Atkinson, and the other members of the staff.

There is so little to write about that I will have to close wishing you a very Happy and Merry Christmas. Please excuse this short note.

Yours sincerely,

Stewart Roy

Letter Images


45- ROY-013-001, Goldsborough - Roy's misspelling is retained here. 46- ROY-013-001, being - Roy's colloquialism/ misspelling is retained here. 47- ROY-013-002, Mouscron -a city located in the Belgian province of Hainaut.

Letter Details

Author Name: Stewart Roy

Document Type: Letter

Date of Document:No Date - End of War

Document Summary: Roy to Goldsbrough

Document Reference: ROY-13