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16th Royal Scots
20th March 1916

Dear Mr Elliott,

Since I left Belfast I have been practically on the move the whole time. When we got back to camp we had to clear out again as our marching orders had arrived. So having no time to go home again, we went up to London where we spent two days, then across to here after that.

Out of ten officers who came out with us, only Bill (a Belfast man) & myself have managed to keep together & when the col. 51 of the 16th, heard that we had been together since we both joined up, he was very nice & put us both in the same company.

We spent a week at the base & were then posted to the 16th R. Scots, which is an Edinburgh Battn., raised by our Col. Sir George Macrae in 12 days. It was a very tiresome journey from the base up to here, but when we arrived, we found that we were in luck as our battn. was just coming out of the trenches that night for 8 days rest. Just now we are in billets about three miles behind the firing line, and we are having a very nice time indeed. We have found all the Battn. officers very nice indeed, in fact they have quite a reputation for hospitality in the brigade. As for the battn. itself, it is splendid & is admitted to be the best in the division.

One of our officers did very well when in the trenches & has been awarded the M. C. He belongs to the same coy, that I am in (A coy). At present he is in hospital in England with a wound in the ankle.

On Saturday I was sent out in charge of a working party, so seeing some of Mr Simpson52 's battn. about & having some time to spare, I enquired about him. After a lot of hunting I managed to run him to earth. We had quite a long chat & he could hardly believe his eyes when I walked into his room. He is looking very fit, the army evidently agrees with him. I expect that I will be in the trenches before I have an opportunity of writing to you again.

So with best wishes to the staff & to yourself.

I remain,

Yours sincerely,

M Warren

Letter Images


51- WAR-005-001, Colonel. 52- WAR-005-003, D.J.H. Simpson, branch Librarian of Ballymacarrett Library who served with the Northumberland Fusiliers

Letter Details

Author Name: Matthew Warren

Document Type: Letter

Date of Document:20/03/1916

Document Summary: Warren to Elliott

Document Reference: WAR-05