
Becoming by Michelle Obama

"At fifty-four, I am still in progress, and I hope that I always will be." From a working-class background to First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama's memoir shows us the journey from little girl trying to fit in at school, to a smart determined woman, trying to make her mark on the Whitehouse.

An inspiring story, told with so much modesty and sincerity that it is impossible not to feel inspired in return. The book is divided into three sections: Becoming Me, Becoming Us, and Becoming More.

They follow each stage of her life, culminating with the Obama departure from the Whitehouse. I fell madly in love with this book and the Obama family. I carried the book around like a treasured possession. Reading it felt like having an intimate conversation with a trusted friend. There is no gloating, no sensationalising or overstating of the facts - she is unflinchingly truthful when speaking of her own weaknesses, such as her need to please and have lists for almost everything she does. She admits how gruelling she found campaigning, how much distrust she had for politicians from an early age. She worries openly about her children, her marriage, and her future. It is not a 'Kiss and Tell' book complete with scandalised stories from behind the scenes, it is an honest, compelling and insightful book which will have you captivated with her honestly and her ambition to make the world a better place.

I cried, I laughed and most of all, I felt motivated and inspired. This is hands down the best memoir I have read to date.

Submitted by Noreen