Endurance: A Year in Space, A Lifetime of Discovery

Endurance: A Year in Space, A Lifetime of Discovery by Scott Kelly

A detailed and comprehensive guide to living on the International Space station (ISS).

It lives up to its title containing all the demands and difficulties of being an astronaut. Scott's account is very candid throughout. Whilst in his childhood he was always a bit of a daredevil and never a swot at school. He knuckled down later on in life and was greatly influenced by reading a book called 'The Right Stuff' by Tom Wolf and this seemed to motivate him for his role in life. He didn't become a drifter.

In this sense you could call him a late developer! His twin brother is, also, an astronaut and medically this makes them of particular interest for analysing and determining the effects of space on humans. The lessons learned will hopefully make things safer and better for those that follow.

Truly, the ISS is an engineering wonder and has been achieved by an international effort of co-operation. A worthwhile read for those interested in space achievements and asking the big questions.

Submitted by Sheila