First Born

First Born by Will Dean

Living in the forest must seriously affect your imaginative life!

Will Dean has again come up with an outstanding novel as he deftly guides his readers up a blind alley and leads them unwittingly through a roller coaster of a read! 

Molly's twin has been murdered and she travels to New York in an attempt to discover what happened and who might have been responsible for her sister Katie's death.

So we think we know what's happening -but then everything changes! 

Molly is an interesting character and seems to be totally different from her dead twin. She is not totally likeable, unconventional and crazy but we are intrigued with the story and when the twist happens we are totally taken by surprise. To say more would totally spoil the read for you so my advice is to just dive right in and enjoy the experience!

I love Will Dean's writing and this one does not disappoint. Be prepared for a wild ride though….

Submitted by Jillian