Into the Dark

Into the Dark by Fiona Cummins

I devoured this book in several hours, it was fast paced and gripping with plenty of drama and surprises.

The Holden family have disappeared, traces of blood suggest something has happened to the family, but with no sign of them, the police are scrambling for answers. The story goes back and forth to the weeks, days and hours before the disappearance as we discover more about the lives of the Holden family and about Piper Holden’s friend Julianne. Julianne was there on the morning it was discovered they were gone.

To be honest the story is nowhere even close to what you may initially think it is, there is so much more going on and it is all very underhanded and evil. Not one of them comes across as a nice person, though I did not mind Julianne too much. I absolutely loathed Piper's daughter Riva and I really wanted her to get her comeuppance!

The only reason it did not get full stars was the overall ending. I wanted to see this person suffer, but perhaps they just might…

Submitted by Stephanie