Something to Live For by Richard Roper
I picked up this book assuming it would be a light, summer read (and a break from the gruesome thrillers I usually choose!) but I was pleasantly surprised by how the author tackled some pretty heavy themes.
The novel is centred on Andrew, a lonely council worker who attends the funerals of those without friends or family. While this sounds like a rather depressing premise, the story unfolds into a message of hope and what it means to be part of a community. As Andrew begins to realise the extent to which he has isolated himself from his remaining family the author reminds readers of the importance of reaching out to those we love – a message that struck home given the past 15 months.
The tough scenes in the novel are bookended by hilarious dialogue and scenes involving Andrew and his colleagues, as well as witty observations by Andrew himself. I found myself laughing out loud at many of the awkward interactions between the characters and felt that I was really rooting for Andrew to find happiness.
A great novel to read if you need a bit of a pick-me-up!
Submitted by Sophie