The Appeal

The Appeal by Janice Hallett

Surprisingly I really enjoyed this book. The way it’s written out in the form of e-mails from all the characters, they are being read out in court by two juniors in a court trail. As first it is confusing, as there is no flow to it that a normal book would have, it’s constantly changing from one person to the next. Plus there are a lot of characters, it’s hard to keep track of who they are and how they’re connected.

However, it is a great plot, very twisted and with many layers to unravel, you get the impression that people are lying and deceiving others. But, the mystery is, who is actually the guilty party?

It was interesting to get an insight into the individual’s through their e-mails, expressing their dislike of certain people and how fake they were. Isabel was definitely a strange, twisted character, not a bad person, but needy and possessive. Someone you’d want to run away from.

It all boils down to how the individuals fit into the hierarchy of the Hayward/Rewick family, who are perceived as ‘royalty’. Everyone wants to be their friend. The whole family came across as self-obsessed, not anyone in it you’d want to be friends with.

The twist and turns in this book are plentiful and with so many characters there are definitely plenty of secrets and mysteries to be unearths. Some very sick and twisted secrets!!

Submitted by Stephanie