The Chain

The Chain by Adrian McKinty

Rachel is on her way to a follow up oncology appointment after her treatment for breast cancer, when she gets a call from someone to say that they have kidnapped her 13 year old daughter. To free her daughter she must find another child to kidnap within the next 24 hours and keep the chain going. The rules are clear, if she doesn't follow the instructions to the letter, kidnap another child and those parents don't kidnap another child, her daughter will be killed. In the space of that phone call, Rachel's life changes forever.

The details that Rachel can find from social media to determine the best child to kidnap are scary in their realness, and provide a stark warning of the perils of oversharing online! That aside, at its core this book asks the question how far you would go to save the life of your child, and the answer in this case is as far as it takes.

Rachel is a tough and courageous character and situations that she finds herself in become uncomfortable and increasingly difficult as she struggles with what she has to do to free her daughter.

The Chain is fast paced and entertaining thriller. It is the kind of story that will stick with you, and can make for some terrifying thoughts, particularly if you have children. If you use social media, The Chain will make you question the information you post there, and who can see it.

Submitted by Oonagh