The Cottage

The Cottage by Lisa Stone

What a completely bizarre plot, one of the most bizarre things I've read in a long while. But strangely it was still addictive, with so much happening I wanted to know what the story behind it all was. I had worked it all out before the end, though I really did wonder at the reality of it. 

There are two different stories in the book, Jan who is leasing a cottage in the woods and being tormented by strange goings on and mysterious sightings and then couples who are giving birth to deformed babies that are taken away by a midwife and told they are stillborn. Then, throw in a fertility clinic and you start to discover that they are all connected. 

The last part of the book I thought was a bit unnecessary, it could have just ended neatly when she left, but no the crazy plot had to be continued on for a bit longer! But like I said, as bizarre as the plot was, I did enjoy the book and it was an entertaining read. 

Submitted by Stephanie