The Herd

The Herd by Emily Edwards

A really gripping, fast paced, highly anticipated read. You know that one of the little girls in the book is going to become seriously ill and you know one of them is going to be the inadvertent cause, but you do not know which one or how it will all play out, or how they end up in court!

Clemmie has not been vaccinated because as a baby she had fits and her doctor advised the parents against vaccinations, so her mum is hyper vigilant about ensuring other children who are around her daughter, are vaccinated. She expects her best friend Bryony to have vaccinated her four year old daughter Alba, however, Bryony has not and is extremely anti vaccination. As a baby her brother was vaccinated and within days he started to change and her childhood was all about her severely disabled brother and a mother who was determined the world would know about the dangers of vaccinations.

Suddenly there is a measles outbreak and Bryony and Alba, plus Clemmie, catch it. What ensues is horrible and very controversial and a whole lot of other emotions too. I could see where both mothers where coming from, it is fear as a parent that you don’t always know what the right decision is. You want to keep your child safe and protected, but you could be hurting them whatever decision you make.

A very topical debate and a fantastic read, that I highly recommend.

Submitted by Stephanie