Holiday Fever

Holiday Fever

The Holiday by T.M. Logan

Tropical beach

It’s getting to the time of year when most people go on holiday. I remember the panic of getting packed up before hand and making sure I had enough books divided out amongst all the family’s luggage to last for the entire holiday and beyond. In those days of cheap flights though there was always a limit to the weight of your bags (as there still is) so that added to the frenetic activity to ensure I had enough reading material.

You see I suffer from an acute phobia – one which I suspect many people suffer from …. I will admit that I am abibliophobic. I have a fear of running out of reading material – and it is especially acute on holiday!  I will read sauce bottles, ingredients, instructions, anything at all if I find myself with nothing else. 

I used to take charity shop books with me on holiday in case I came across collections of books left behind by other holiday makers so that I could swap them in case of emergencies. You can’t do that with library books! Of course nowadays I can access ebooks/audiobooks on my phone or tablet with Libby or BorrowBox so not only do I not have that problem anymore but we also have more room in our holiday baggage!

I will confess that it did take me a while to get round to reading online – but the benefits quickly outweighed anything else – and once I am in holiday mode I can devour numerous books over a short period. It is comforting to know I have a seemingly endless supply of books within easy reach, and with my phone in airplane mode I can even relax and listen to an audiobook during long flights. Bliss J

On the subject of holidays I must mention T M Logan. His books have been around for a short while but his popularity has grown massively. He writes contemporary thriller and crime fiction stories which are compulsive reading – great for holidays! Unless, that is, you happen to be on holiday with a group of friends. His novel The Holiday (eBook and eAudiobook) would put you off group holidays altogether! Based on a holiday in Provence, three couples take a Villa together but of course there is more to it than meets the eye. Kate suspects her husband of having an affair with one of the others and she is determined to find out who before her family implodes. Suspicion, deceit and lies couple with the stifling Mediterranean heat, and it soon becomes apparent that someone is prepared to kill to protect their secret. Thrilling and compelling – this will have you at the edge of your deckchair!

The Catch (paperback, eBook and eAudiobook) is another of his books which you may have seen on TV recently – another disturbing family drama with secrecy and deceit at its core.

If you haven’t read any of his books yet – now’s the time to delve in – just in time for a lovely ‘relaxed’ read beside the pool. 

Happy Holidays!

The Holiday by T.M. LoganThe Catch by T.M. Logan


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