Omagh Library

Omagh Library

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Library Location


Event Name Event Details Start Date & Time End Date & Time Booking
Mindful Colouring  
Available during library opening hours.
Mindful Colouring groups are for anyone who wants to explore the world of adult colouring with intricate colouring patterns and designs. They can enhance well-being, help calm the mind and relieve stress through relaxed, meditative colouring in.
02/12/2024 09:00 AM 26/06/2025 05:30 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Cryptic Corner  
Available during opening hours.
There will be puzzles available in the Cryptic Corner of the library. Everyone is welcome to call in and have a go at solving them.
02/12/2024 09:00 AM 27/06/2025 05:30 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Tea and Newspapers  
Every Monday from 10:00am to 11:00am.

Everyone welcome.

Tea and Newspapers groups give adults the opportunity to meet new people, socialise and discuss local and national affairs in the newspapers while enjoying complimentary tea/coffee and biscuits.
02/12/2024 10:00 AM 23/06/2025 11:00 AM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Rhythm and Rhyme  

Tuesday 9:30am – 10:00am
Wednesday 11:00am – 11:30am
Thursday 11:00am – 11:30am
Friday 9:30am – 10:00am

Rhymes and stories for children aged 0 – 4 years old (accompanied by a carer).


Booking essential.

Ring from Saturday to book a session for the following week.
t: 028 8244 0833


03/12/2024 09:30 AM 27/06/2025 11:30 AM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Lego Club  

For children in Primary School Years 4-7.

Booking is essential - ring the week before the session.

To be held on the first Tuesday and third Thursday of the month from 4:00pm to 5:00pm.

03/12/2024 04:00 PM 19/06/2025 05:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Knit and Natter  

Every Tuesday from 6:30pm - 8:00pm.

Knit and Natter Groups are for adults who enjoy knitting, crochet, cross stitch and other crafts. They are free of charge to attend and participants have the opportunity to share hints and tips, swap patterns, meet new people and learn new skills. Members can bring along a project they are already working on or can start something new.


Everyone Welcome.

03/12/2024 06:30 PM 24/06/2025 08:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Tea and Newspapers  
Every Wednesday from 10:00am to 11:00am.

Everyone welcome.

Tea and Newspapers groups give adults the opportunity to meet new people, socialise and discuss local and national affairs in the newspapers while enjoying complimentary tea/coffee and biscuits.
04/12/2024 10:00 AM 25/06/2025 11:00 AM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Memory Lane  

For adults diagnosed with early onset dementia – a chance to meet and talk.  


Meeting fortnightly from 1:30pm - 3:00pm.

Booking essential.
t: 028 8244 0733

04/12/2024 01:30 PM 25/06/2025 03:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Tea and Newspapers  
Every Thursday from 10:00am to 11:00am.

Everyone welcome.

Tea and Newspapers groups give adults the opportunity to meet new people, socialise and discuss local and national affairs in the newspapers while enjoying complimentary tea/coffee and biscuits.
05/12/2024 10:00 AM 26/06/2025 11:00 AM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Knit and Natter  
Every Friday from 10:30am to 12:30pm.

Everyone welcome.

Knit and Natter Groups are for adults who enjoy knitting, crochet, cross stitch and other crafts. They are free of charge to attend and participants have the opportunity to share hints and tips, swap patterns, meet new people and learn new skills. Members can bring along a project they are already working on or can start something new.
06/12/2024 10:30 AM 27/06/2025 12:30 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Board Game and Jigsaw Saturday  

Don’t be bored! Get a board!


Drop in and challenge yourself, a friend or family member to one of our board games or jigsaws.


Everyone welcome.

07/12/2024 10:00 AM 28/06/2025 03:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Lego Club  

For children in Primary School Years 1-3.

Booking is essential - ring the week before the session.

To be held on the second Monday and last Friday of the month from 4:00pm to 5:00pm.

09/12/2024 04:00 PM 27/06/2025 05:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Rhythm and Rhyme  
Second and last Saturdays every month from 2:15pm to 2:45pm.

Booking is essential.

Rhythm and Rhyme sessions introduce parents and children aged 0 - 4 years to the wonder of rhymes, songs and stories.

Each session offers an entertaining opportunity for children to engage with others, provides a good foundation to develop their reading, listening and language skills and of course to have lots of fun!
14/12/2024 02:15 PM 28/06/2025 02:45 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Afternoon Book Group  
Adult Reading Groups are a great opportunity for members to join in some lively literary discussions in a relaxed, friendly environment. The groups encourage people to read for pleasure, share their enthusiasm and express opinions about books and their authors.

Meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of the month (excluding July and August)
17/12/2024 03:00 PM 17/06/2025 04:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.
Inspired Touring Exhibition  

This exhibition will be available to view during normal opening hours.
Inspire, the mental health and wellbeing charity, is marking its 65th anniversary with a poignant and powerful exhibition, INSPIRED, bringing together the stories of its service users and staff.
The multi-media exhibition consists of everyday items, each belonging to one individual and prompting a story or memory of a specific point in their life. Each seemingly mundane article (a set of car jump leads, a 1970s iron, a pair of running shoes, a front door key) has a deeply personal story conveyed through audio narration by the story-tellers themselves. Each shares intimate reflections on their experiences, reflects on their past and, with support from Inspire, looks ahead to the future. 

24/10/2025 09:00 AM 25/11/2025 05:00 PM See event details to check if booking is essential (phone/email). Otherwise, if the event is not virtual (via Zoom) then simply call into the library at the time of the event.


The Out of Hours Service allows adults (aged 18 years and over) controlled access to Omagh Library for an additional 33 hours per week outside of normal opening hours.
Registered members can access a limited but important range of services on a self-service basis, including broadband/Wi-Fi access, printing facilities, study space and book borrowing. To register, just call in or contact the library during normal opening hours and ask staff for details.

You can view the opening hours of the service on this web page.

You can download more information at the links below.

Out of Hours Induction Pack files

General Guidance for using the Out of Hours Service

How to use the Wi-Fi and print facilities

Omagh Library Fire Action Notice and Floor Plan

Byelaws and Terms and Conditions