Libraries Help to Look After Your Health

Libraries Help to Look After Your Health
Published 15 Jan 2024

Blue MondayThe third Monday in January is sometimes referred to as ‘the most difficult day of the year’ and is commonly known as Blue Monday, when all the Christmas festivities are long gone, the weather is far from optimal, and payday still seems a while away.

On ‘Blue Monday’, Libraries NI and The Samaritans understand we can all have our good days and our bad days, regardless of what date it is and are working together to encourage everyone to start a conversation over a brew. Libraries across Northern Ireland are inviting everyone to call in for a chat, not just throughout this week, but any day of the week, there is always a friendly face, and everyone is very welcome.

Libraries have a wide range of health-related book collections for both adults and young people including Read Yourself Well, Shelf Help and Reading Well for Children which can help improve both your emotional and physical wellbeing.

Read Yourself Well comprises of an extensive collection of self-help health and wellness related books recommended by the Reading Agency and written by wellness experts, doctors and best-selling authors. The books aim to help people understand and manage their health and well-being using self-help reading.

Titles in the range offer members of the public the opportunity to learn more about a variety of health issues including anxiety, dementia, addiction, women’s health, pain management and many other long-term conditions.

Reading Well for children recommends reading to help children understand their feelings and worries and cope with tough times. The books have been chosen by children, carers, health experts and librarians. They are endorsed by leading health organisations such as NHS England, Mind and the Royal College of GPs. The booklist is targeted at children in Key Stage 2 (aged 7-11) and includes a wide range of reading levels to support less confident readers, and to encourage children to read together with their siblings and carers.

To further support young people’s wellbeing, the Shelf Help collection of books provides quality assured information and advice to help young people understand and manage their mental health. The books have been chosen by young people and health experts and have information and advice as well as personal stories about dealing with feelings such as anxiety, depression or stress and experiences such as bullying.​

Our eMagazine service also offers a wide range of wellness magazines including those to improve your health and fitness that you can download free to your mobile or tablet. These include top titles such as Women’s Health, Men’s Health, Planet Mindful and many more.

Please visit our website to borrow eMagazines, books and find out all the titles available in the various health related collections or contact your local library.

The Samaritans volunteers are available around the clock to listen to anyone who needs support this Blue Monday and every other day of the year, 24/7 by calling 116 123 for free.